AfricaConnect European Commission web linkAfricaConnect3 project is co-funded by the European Union

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African NRENs' contributions to the UN SDGs

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What is eduroam? How is it benefitting millions of students and researchers in Africa?

Read about and its benefits.

Women in STEM

We celebrate the women contributing to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) across the African research and education community.

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Connecting Africa to unlimited possibilities - AfricaConnect3 is the third phase of the AfricaConnect project, building on the success of predecessor projects in supporting the creation, development and use of advanced, reliable internet connectivity for the teaching, learning and research communities of Africa. AfricaConnect3 is co-funded by the European Union and delivered locally by regional organisations - UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN and ASREN, together with GÉANT. Find out more >

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