After two years of meeting virtually, the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) brings e-AGE annual conference back to the physical world, seeing old friends and making new ones!
Hosted by ASRT, the Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research and Technology, e-AGE22 will take place in Cairo, Egypt from December 13th to 15th 2022 and ONLINE.
The e-AGE22 marks its long-awaited return to a live and in-person Annual Conference that promises to deliver outstanding scientific and educational content as well as the much-needed time to reconnect with friends and colleagues worldwide. Featuring the theme “Science Cooperation – Taking NRENs Further”, ASREN recognizes the importance of coming together to share new ideas, explore science cooperation and inaugurate science dialogue through robust technological infrastructures and open environment.
e-AGE is considered, more than ever, as a platform for progressing Science Dialogue, through discussing and promoting cooperation in science and addressing the obstacles faced towards establishing mechanisms, policies and platforms for cooperation with focus on regional and global priorities.
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