Past Events

IGF 2021 Town Hall #45 Exchanging research data responsible to save ‎the planet ‎- 8 Dec 2021

Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (12:45 UTC)
Assessing Internet governance approaches and mechanisms and fostering ‎inclusiveness: What are the main strengths and weaknesses of existing Internet governance ‎approaches and mechanisms? What can be done, and by whom, to foster more inclusive ‎Internet governance at the national, regional and international levels?‎

‎Advancing global digital cooperation: What opportunities are provided by the current focus on ‎digital cooperation resulting from the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for digital ‎cooperation? What role should the IGF play (and how) in advancing global digital ‎cooperation?‎

Global research and education networks support the advancement in global scientific ‎knowledge related to climate change.  The observation data, analysis and education materials ‎which are an essential foundation for addressing matters under the UNFCCC are transported ‎to and from researchers using the national and regional research and education networks ‎‎(NRENs/RRENs).  For some NRENs, compute and storage services are also provided to ‎researchers in support of climate change research. The global research and education ‎networks facilitate the cooperation between researchers across borders and continents. Our ‎work contributes towards UNFCCC Articles 4.1(g and h) and Article 5.‎

To meet the UN sustainable development goals, tackle climate change and to prepare for and ‎respond to disasters (man-made or otherwise) requires data. This data is increasingly being ‎centralised into large data sets from a variety of different sources and at varying volumes. As ‎the pace of technology advances, the number of data sources and the volumes of data ‎acquired continues to grow exponentially. While challenges exist in acquiring, transporting, ‎storing, processing, analysing and then finally re-transmitting a subset of that data for the ‎benefit of citizens and national governments, there also exists a growing divergence in the ‎capabilities of a number of nations and citizens from global south countries to partake in this ‎field at scale (in comparison to countries from the global north).‎

The GEO communities (Group on Earth Observations) focus on the transmission and ‎exchange of data which is utilised in the realm of geospatial research. Geospatial research is ‎the investigation into the various aspects of earth science, but with a focus on particular ‎locations, and this relies upon a number of communication layers and distribution systems. ‎These layers and systems, controlled by a number of different actors, when inter-mixed form a ‎transparent underlying service, otherwise known as the internet. In some respects, these ‎layers are operated by a number Private (commercial), Non-Profit, Governmental and ‎Nongovernmental Organisations (NGOs) to form a communications commons which the GEO ‎community relies upon for its systems and services to work.‎

GÉANT, the convener and coordinator of this session, is a fundamental element of Europe’s ‎e-infrastructure, delivering the pan-European GÉANT network for scientific excellence, ‎research, education and innovation. GÉANT is also a participating member of GEO, ‎representing the interests of all of its National Research and Education Network (NREN) ‎members, promoting their work and trying to find opportunities to collaborate with other GEO ‎members to help support science and researchers needs. Through its integrated catalogue of ‎connectivity, collaboration and identity services, GÉANT provides users with highly reliable, ‎unconstrained access to computing, analysis, storage, applications and other resources, to ‎ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of research. ‎

  • Mark Urban, Chief Financial Officer, RedCLARA, Uruguay (GRULAC)
  • Yousef Torman, Managing Director, ASREN, Jordan (Asia and the Pacific group)
  • Charlene Gaba, Assistant Researcher, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin (African Group)

More details on the event page.

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