
IST-Africa 2025 – Call for Papers – Deadline 18 October

Hosted by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (State Department for Higher Education and Research) and National Research Fund and Supported by the European Commission (EC) and African Union Commission (AUC), IST-Africa 2025 is the twentieth in an annual series of Ministerial Level Technology Research Conferences.

IST-Africa 2025 will take place as an in person event in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2025.

IST-Africa 2025 will provide a world-class international forum to showcase existing technology-enabled Research, Innovation and ICT4D activities and capacity in Africa, Europe and other parts of the world. The Conference Programme combines strategic keynote presentations, a High-Level Roundtable, technical and policy papers, case studies and workshops. It also provides an opportunity to identify potential partners for future research cooperation under Horizon Europe.

IST-Africa 2025 Call for Papers invites full papers (8 – 10 pages including references, c.4,000 words) using the paper guidelines and IST-Africa template for double blind peer review by 18 October.

Please visit for more details.

Please download the Call for Papers brochure from

Please access the paper template and guidelines from when preparing your paper.

Thematic areas addressing achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include:

  • Technology-enabled Healthcare (mHealth /eHealth)
  • Technology-enhanced Learning and eSkills
  • Technology-enabled Agriculture (mAgriculture /eAgriculture) & Environmental Sustainability
  • Energy – ICT for Power Delivery, Micro-grids
  • eInfrastructures and NRENs (National Research and Education Networks)
  • Next Generation Computing: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • eGovernment and Public Service Delivery
  • Content Technologies: Languages; Digital Preservation
  • Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust
  • Collaborative Open Innovation and Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship (including Social Entrepreneurship)
  • Global Development (including ICT4D)
  • Societal and Ethical Implications of Technology

Full papers must present analysis of policy, initial or final research results or a case study. It is important to highlight actual or expected impact as well as the level of innovation. General project descriptions or descriptions of proposed research will not be reviewed.

It is necessary for the paper submitted to include a unique element that has not previously been published and any previous published materials to be clearly referenced (including material previously published by the authors).

Each presenter can present ONE paper in the Programme. It is necessary for papers to be presented by an author / co-author and answer questions based on the presentation during the event to ensure inclusion in the Proceedings.

Please only submit papers for review where there are authors/co-authors who will complete registration. Please do not submit multiple papers for which there is only one author who can register. Please note only full papers are assigned for review.

Full papers using the IST-Africa paper template should be submitted via by 18 October.

IST-Africa 2024 Proceedings

The IST-Africa 2024 Proceedings and previous proceedings can be accessed on an Open Access basis via

IST-Africa Community Members can access and download individual papers of interest for personal use on an open access basis via the IST-Africa Open Access Repository.

If you are not a member of the IST-Africa community, you can register at no charge via

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