Past Events

MARWAN Regional Conference: 13-15 October 2022

MARWAN is a national computer network dedicated for education, training and research. It is an information infrastructure connecting educational institutions and it is run by the National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST).

The conference theme is “MARWAN: an innovation enabler through advanced e-Infrastructures” and it will take place at the Palm Plaza Marrakech Hotel, Marrakesh, Morocco on October 13 – 15, 2022.

Morocco has developed a good model of NREN with support of the government and decision makers in the country with good engagement with stakeholders. This model is to be promoted to other countries with novice NRENs and countries who don’t have NREN yet.

The main objective of the conference is to promote the use of the advanced e-Infrastructure provided by MARWAN and to support MARWAN to develop and provide more services to the research and education communities in Morocco to enable cooperation and facilitate collaboration between scientist, academics and students in Morocco and beyond. The proposed conference will address University Presidents, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, National Scientific Research centers and Scientific Research Support Fund on the importance and necessity of Research and Education Networks to provide the e-Infrastructures services to the research and education communities and to connect them with the regional and global research and education networks.  In general, the conference will tackle the following:
  • NRENs to sustain and support research and education Infrastructures including Connectivity, Services, Access to resources and enabling cooperation
  • The role of AfricaConnect3 LIBSENSE projects in supporting research and education
  • Open Science and Open Science Platforms Open Access, Open Educational Resources
  • Clouds for research and education and Open Science Platforms including applications, infrastructures and platforms
  • Science Cooperation through sustainable infrastructures and open science environment
  • Scientific, Research and educational communities and communities of practice

More on the conference agenda and registration here.

Learn more about the Morrocan NREN on

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