Policy Corner

Here you can find the latest policy papers published by the AfricaConnect3 project.

Making the World a Better Place to Live: African Research and Education Networks’ Contributions to the UN SDGs, 2023

Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, 193 countries came together at the United Nations General Assembly and agreed on a blueprint to create a better and more sustainable world. They adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, as ‘an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership’, designed to be realised by 2030.

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eduroam in Africa, 2023

eduroam is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community to address the increasing need for fast and secure Internet connection everywhere. With over 6.4 billion international authentications to date stretching across 106 countries, eduroam is expanding in Africa where NRENs are going beyond the traditional campus connectivity.

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Digital Education Strategy, 2023

African Union
In the past year, the AfricaConnect3 project partners – the UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN, ASREN, and GÉANT have contributed to the Continental Education Strategy for Africa through meetings and by reviewing documents. The strategy establishes a framework for the digitalisation and acceleration of adoption of digital technologies for Education in Africa, including the development, strengthening, and sustainability of 54 NRENs.

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AfricaConnect3: Connecting Africa to Unlimited possibilities, 2021

Despite availability of infrastructures having significantly progressed over the recent years, tertiary education and research institutions in Africa are still among the least connected in the academic world, a situation that is particularly critical for landlocked countries. In this context, the AfricaConnect3 project strives to establish secure, adequate, and affordable network infrastructures and offers dedicated services to African NRENs.

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Feasibility Study to Connect all African Higher Education Institutions to High-speed Internet, 2021

World Bank Group
Broadband connectivity is a critical enabler for modernising higher education institutions (HEIs) in their mission of teaching, research, and community outreach. Connecting African HEIs for improved learning, research collaboration, and access to global scientific resources has been on national and global development agendas for years but has never achieved top priority policy consideration.

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The Role and Status of NRENs in Africa, 2016

World Bank Group
The aim of this 2016 World Bank report is to provide guidance to governments, institutions, and development partners on how to approach the provision of advanced ICT services to the higher education and research community in Africa. The premise of the report that the organisation of ICT services and connectivity is best provided by an NREN is based on international best practice and the current plans of the stakeholders in the region.

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