19 – 20 July 2022; Movenpick Du Lac Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia

The Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) and the Tunisian Computing Center al Khawarizmi (CCK) are organizing a conference on “Open Science – The Way Forward” to be held at the Movenpick Du Lac Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia during 19-20 July 2022.
The event will be preceded by a regional meeting dedicated to the Arab National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) to discuss and plan NRENs support to research and education communities in terms of providing the appropriate infrastructures and the necessary services to these communities with Open science and Open Access in mind as a priority.
Main Conference Objectives and Topics
- NRENs to sustain and support research and education Infrastructures including Connectivity, Services, Access to resources and enabling cooperation
- The role of AfricaConnect3 LIBSENSE projects in supporting research and education
- Open Science and Open Science Platforms Open Access, Open Educational Resources
- Clouds for research and education and Open Science Platforms including applications, infrastructures and platforms
- Science Cooperation through sustainable infrastructures and open science environment
- Scientific, Research and educational communities and communities of practice
More information on ASREN’s website.