The AfricaConnect3 project is a collaborative initiative between the European Union, the pan-European organisation of national networks for research and education, GÉANT and the three regional organisations that support NRENs in Africa:
- UbuntuNet Alliance: The implementation partner for Eastern and Southern Africa.
- WACREN: The implementing partner for West and Central Africa.
- ASREN: The implementing partner for North Africa.
UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN and ASREN are the regional strategic alliances that ensure the implementation of AfricaConnect3 on the ground. These organizations encourage and assist in the development of regional and transregional networks in Africa. Together, they form the backbone of the Pan-African community of research and education networks.
UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN, ASREN and GÉANT work in close collaboration to exploit synergies, promote intra-regional connections and share good practices for the success of the project.
Participating African NRENs are supported by European NRENs for training and human capacity building purposes.