NRENs continue to have a significant impact on research and education within their countries. Providing internet connectivity infrastructure to research and...
Tag - RENU
National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) best learn from each other. Over the years, emerging NRENs have found that learning by visiting established...
RENU, the Ugandan NREN, has partnered with Mesh ++, a connectivity solutions manufacturer based in Chicago, USA, to manufacture solar-powered Internet routers...
This article was written thanks to the precious contributions of Guys Halse (TENET), Kennedy Aseda (KENET), Klaas Wierenga and Karl Meyer (GÉANT). It was...
Interview by Harold Bowa, UbuntuNet Alliance “I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by...
This article was originally posted on the UbuntuNet Alliance’s website. The Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) was officially announced as...
As the Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) celebrated the second birthday of Metro eduroam last week, another baby was in the offing: eduroam on...
This article was originally posted on RENU’s website. Launched on 1st September 2020 as a solution to connectivity challenges faced by students and...
Words: Hastings Ndebvu Students and staff of the Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) member institutions can now access their institutions’...
Interview by Hastings Ndebvu As we continue with the #womeninSTEM campaign, we talk to Hellen Nakawungu, Systems Engineer at the Research and Education Network...